​ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННАЯ СТРУКТУРА – Sandermoen Publishing – книжное издательство в Швейцарии


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Foreword by Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes

Original text: English
Book text: English
Formats: Paperback, PDF, e-pub (download)
Copyright: Sandermoen Publishing © 2017
ISBN: Paperback 9783952474525, PDF 9783907131053, e-pub 9783907131060

Дорогие покупатели электронных книг! К большому сожалению издательства, книжное пиратство - бесплатное и бесконтрольное распространение электронных книг - бич русскоязычного сегмента интернета. Чтобы защитить свои книги, которые мы с такой любовью и трепетом готовим и издаём для вас, мы вынуждены маркировать каждый купленный файл электронной книги личными данными покупателя. Мы очень просим не пересылать и не выкладывать в интернете купленные у нас файлы электронных книг. Это поможет поддерживать добрые и доверительные отношения между читателями и авторами, читателями и нашим издательством, а также - соблюсти авторское право. Спасибо за понимание!

How to create a functional, effective and efficient organisational structure. Typical structural problems and how to solve them. Examples from real world wide client-cases.

Start reading the book

This book is for founders, shareholders, executives and everyone that is involved or interested in how to make successful organisational structures for the start-up company as well as the well-established global corporation.

Quotes from the book:

“A good structure is a design that will create the best environment for your intended outcome.”

“Organisational structure is therefore an extremely important subject which can have far-reaching impact on businesses’ performance and people’s lives. Despite this, the subject has been neglected as an object of study”.

“What distinguishes us from all other species is our ability to communicate in the abstract about highly complex challenges and to organize large numbers of people to handle these challenges.”

“This is how a startup is built around people, rather than how it should be: around functional unites defined by a clear description of tasks and responsibilities which are then filled with people with the right profile, skill and experience for the specific function.”

“ … all the points above can be summarised by saying that it was the structure we had made that created the environment for the merger to be successful and set the strategy in motion.”

“Bureaucracies are very resistant to change and usually only a deep crisis can force them to rejuvenate.”

“The fear of the transition from the old to the new is probably one of the major reasons we all dislike change.”

“Profit centres are organized by need, but sales should be organized as a function within the profit centre and reflecting the specific decision makers that decides to buy on the customer side.”

“Fast growing start-ups are sales-driven and often organised by sales rather than by market needs.”

“A structure should be based on a logical driver. A driver in this regard means “where the revenue comes from.”

“The paradox is however, that a lot of organisations become centralised because of poor planning, unclear objectives, insufficient control and bad information systems.”

“But another, more covert reason for making matrices was to avoid having to take the difficult decision about which unit should be the driving force. (Chapter about Matrix Organisations).”

“Managers always struggle for power, but matrix organisations actually encourage them to do so!”

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Dr. Vandana Deswal
The highlight of my summer was getting the autographed copy of this book

Words put up like gems of knowledge. I found it so useful that I find myself quoting the importance of structure even in marketing classes, trying to reinforce its true significance. I feel, there is a need of reinforcement of its significance in management studies. It would aid in minimizing the inertia to change or refine it in an organization if needed.

I agree that structure is often ignored as a part of strategy; partly because the management does not understand it and mostly because it is tough and politically explosive to even try to change it. Not to mention, finding the right experts to do it is a daunting challenge in itself.

The chapters are engaging and the information flows wonderfully and the examples make all the theory relevant. It is like a guide for the management and the consultants both. The case studies are the cherries on the top. I particularly loved the “A 50-Years Old Teenager”. I find it very honest and relevant since Africa is one of the most promising market right now and the lawless situation is a fact for many unsaturated markets.

A reader
Make sense

Thank you for your book. I am really impressed with your writing style. Your combination of storytelling of your own experiences, together with concrete examples from the real world, is very engaging.

I'm only about halfway through your book, but have to tell you how much I'm enjoying it, particularly because we are so like-minded in so many things. The approach of the organization chart in colors makes so much sense in terms of profit versus cost centers, and an ability for the CEO to tell at a glance the balance.

Sami Kalliola
A blueprint

A blueprint - I keep this book close by and often return to it 👍.

Sami Kalliola